Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Do I Have a Right to Healthcare?

Opinion: Letter to the Editor: Do I Have a Right to Healthcare?

Many people are saying that healthcare is a right. Does that mean that I have the right to force medical personnel to provide me with healthcare services whether I pay for them or not? Do I have a right to take my neighbor’s money to pay for my healthcare?

This does not make sense. Obviously, I do not have a right to healthcare. However, I do have a right to find a doctor who is willing to provide me with medical services at a price we agree upon. So simple!

"You know Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery," said Dr. Ben Carson (Washington Post, Oct. 11, 2013)

“If healthcare is a right, then all medical personnel are slaves. It would be nice if someone besides Ben Carson said so!” (Twitter posting)

Susan Lider
